Meteor Scatter Work at BAS: Tides and Long Period Oscillations.
British Antarctic Survey, NERC, Cambridge, UK.
We review the mesosphere work at BAS which uses the meteor scatter component of the SuperDARN data. A general review of the data quality will be given followed by two detailed studies. The first shows a comparison of the phase of the semi-diurnal tide measured overhead Halley, Antarctica using the Imaging Doppler Interferometer instrument and ~250 km poleward of Halley using the SHARE radar. Cross-correlation analysis reveals a consistent offset of 1.5 hours during a fortnight period in December 1997. This intriguing result may be explained by the transition from an s=1 wave at the S. Pole to an s=2 wave in the equatorial region. The second study has found evidence for an ~60 day oscillation in the meridional wind component, a result similar to that reported from observations made at Stockholm, Sweden. The cause is unknown at present but work is underway to investigate a possible link to the Madden-Julian oscillation of tropical convection.
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