Radars sensitive to field-aligned plasma irregularities are both an
informative and challenging diagnostic for the study of magnetospheric
processes. The challenge is that the
characteristics and behaviour of the irregularities have
a complex relationship to such quantities as the
electric fields, conductivities and plasma densities which are often the
signatures of the magentospheric process under study. However, once this is
understood, radars provide versatile and sensitive techniques
for such solar terrestrial research.
The bottom panels of VHF radar data are an excellent example of how coherent backscatter radars can image magnetospheric substorms. Clear growth phase signatures are observed as the region of backscatter confined in range moves equatorward from 2120 to 2200 UT. At onset there is poleward motion of the scattering region. The expansion and recovery phase is then characterised by rich scatter at all ranges. This type of observation is not atypical for the STARE radar.